Bangzheng Han

Bangzheng Han


Phone: (+86) 166-4507-3996 This website serves as a copy during the application period (as I mistakenly wrote '.com' instead of '.cn' in some parts of my SOP). For continuously updated content, please visit


Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi'an, China

B.S. in Physics, expected August 2025

September 2021 – Present

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA

Exchange Program in Physics

September 2023 – January 2024

Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi'an, China

Young Gifted Program as an alternative to high school

September 2019 – August 2021

Research Experience

Strong Interface-Induced Spin–Orbit Interaction in Graphene on BiSe2O5, XJTU

Role: Individual Project, Supervised by Professor Zhe Wang, Collaborated with Haibo Xie

The project aims to stack graphene on BiSe2O5 to induce spin-orbit coupling, inspired by Professor Zhe Wang's work on WS2 and WSe2. It involves weak anti-localization effect measurements, analysis of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, and ab initio calculations of interface-induced SOI.

  • Independently responsible for device fabrication, theoretical calculations, experimental design, and data processing.
  • Collaborated with graduate student Haibo Xie for etching and data measurement.
  • Currently analyzing data to draw conclusions from ongoing experiments.

Charge Transfer Dynamics in RuCl₃/hBN/WSe₂ Heterostructures, UC Berkeley

Role: Undergraduate Research Assistant, Supervised by Professor Feng Wang

Fabricated RuCl₃/hBN/WSe₂ heterostructure devices with top gate and contacts, and conducted absorption spectroscopy measurements and pump-probe measurements under the mentorship of Jingxu Xie.

  • Mastered device fabrication techniques including preparation, transfer of 2D materials, photolithography, and metal electrode deposition.
  • Learned how to fine-tune optical setups for photoelectric effect measurements.
  • Developed a neural network for detecting thin hBN layers on wafers, achieving a 95% accuracy.

Replication of Propagation Dynamics of Truncated Vector Vortex Beams, XJTU

Role: Research Training, Supervised by Professor Hong Gao

Focused on replicating theoretical calculations and simulations for the paper "Investigation of Propagation Dynamics of Truncated Vector Vortex Beams," guided by graduate students Yun Chen and Jianyi Xu.

  • Gained insights into Fourier optics and enhanced literature review skills.
  • Discontinued further group work due to limited experimental opportunities for undergraduates and concurrent commitments to applying for exchange programs.

Honors and Awards

National First Prize, China Undergraduate Physics Tournament, October 2022

Third-Class Scholarship, August 2022


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